No Stress Does Not Cause Acne

When treating patients at our Acne Clinic we are often asked about external factors that can potentially cause acne. Most often we are asked, does stress cause acne? In some cases stress can be a contributing factor in acne symptoms but on it’s own stress is not a cause of acne. It is important to ensure you keep your stress levels low for optimal health. Doing so may help to keep acne breakouts under control but it should be noted that not having stress does not mean you will not experience acne symptoms.
For the best understanding of your unique acne symptoms it is a good idea to speak with a professional. They can help you to see the big picture when looking at your unique skin and help you to develop the optimal treatment plan for your skin.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is not caused by stress, but stress can aggravate acne symptoms. So, what does cause acne? Acne develops when the hair follicles on our skin become clogged with dead skin cells or oil. It is not an indication of poor hygiene or diet.
There are a variety of factors that may contribute to acne symptoms. Stress along with hormone changes, medications and in some cases diet can all be aggravating factors for acne symptoms. To treat acne effectively it is a good idea to consider all potential factors

Acne Treatment

Many patients in our Acne Clinic come to us after unsuccessfully treating their acne at home. Acne can be stubborn and not all home treatments will be effective for every person.

If you are struggling with acne symptoms you don’t have to work through it alone. Get in touch with our Acne Clinic and learn more about our treatment options including chemical peels and laser acne treatment.

What Else Causes Acne?

For more information on what other things can potentially casue acne, please visit our "what causes acne" resource centre.